Thursday, September 01, 2005

Tampa Bay Library Consortium to offer downloadable audio books.

The City & State section of the St. Petersburg Times published an article today announcing that the Tampa Bay Library Consortium is beginning to offer downloadable audio books to anyone with access to a computer and a public library card. 299 books, ranging from Kentucky Heat by Fern Michaels to The Future of Freedom by Fareed Zakaria, are now available to download to either an MP3 player or to a compact disc. Click here to see a list of available books. Although not every member of the library consortium are participating at this time, more libraries will start offering this service very soon. Please visit for additional information regarding the digital book project. We will let you know as soon as St. Petersburg College M.M. Bennett libraries decide to participate. Stay tuned!

-- Chad Mairn, Librarian, Clearwater campus --

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