Thursday, October 12, 2006

Turkish Writer Wins 2006 Nobel Literature Prize

Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk wins the Nobel literature prize. Pamuk, 54, gained international acclaim for books including Snow, Istanbul and My Name Is Red. But he has also earned notoriety for legal troubles over his comments on Turkey's past.


Anonymous said...

I've only read The Black Book (and it was great) but know that Pamuk's a well-deserving recipient of the prize & will make a point of reading more of his works. I think in much of his writing he weaves intricate tales of East meets West and past influences on present day life. I've also heard that his recent book Istanbul includes some great photos and paintings. Does our library have a copy??

Li-Lee Tunceren

Chad Mairn said...

No, we do not have a copy of 'Istanbul', but I will InterLibrary Loan it for you. The library will contact you when it arrives. Thank you for reading the SPC Library Blog.