Monday, February 05, 2007

InfoTrac OneFile Updates

- Patrons can now read the full-text of the New York Times, every issue from 1995 to present day -- giving them the best in news and editorial coverage.

- Patrons can now also listen to any National Public Radio program, as well as read transcripts, for shows produced by NPR from 1990 to present. In addition to providing a different type of news coverage, NPR content is great to use in the classroom.

- Very soon, InfoTrac OneFile will be loading every Fodor's travel guide published in 2006 and 2007, as well as hundreds of other travel guides from publishers such as Hunter's.

- A large set of more than 20 reference sources, from multiple publishers, is now available under the reference tab. This gives patrons authoritative overviews of topics in addition to the current periodicals coverage.

- Readers can access more than 3,000 full-text periodicals highly recommended by Bowker's Magazines for Libraries -- more full-text than any other database. Therefore, you can trust that users are accessing the best information.

- Discover Magazine is now being loaded full-text with no embargo -- a great publication for students and patrons interested in science content.

- Content can now be translated into 7 different languages, making InfoTrac a useful resource even if your community demographics are changing.

- InfoTrac OneFile has now reached the impressive 11,000 title mark -- with the majority of the content full-text and with no embargo. This means that patrons can read the current issue right away.

To access InfoTrac OneFile visit Library Online at and click on the "Articles and Databases" link. Contact your library for this sessions password[s].

-- Chad Mairn


Anonymous said...

Has anyone tried to access NPR stories from InfoTrac OneFile? I have tried several searches from Dixie Chicks to Nancy Pelosi to Super Bowl coin toss and each time I get the exact same few results.

Anonymous said...

I just tried a search for Nancy Pelosi (keyword) AND NPR (keyword) and found 48 results for Podcast, Broadcast transcript.