Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Preview Our New Research Interface!

You are invited to preview the new statewide view of the Mango discovery research system and catalog.  This new statewide union discovery research tool will eventually replace the separate, legacy union catalogs of both the university and college system, as well as the current Search Florida Libraries interface.  To access the preview interface, go to
This preview period will run only until Friday, February 21, during which time we ask that you email your comments and questions concerning the interface to Your comments will be forwarded to the FLVC Help Desk.
Following is additional information about the new statewide view to assist with your preview:

  • The statewide union view includes university and college resources and e-resources from the Primo Central Index (PCI).

  • For this statewide implementation, the display defaults to e-resources results from the Florida Electronic Library’s Gale databases that are available to all colleges and universities.   Access to full text is available to patrons through the link resolver provided by their home institution’s library.

  • We will continue to make additional improvements to the PCI access profiles index to implement discovery tool local views for FCS libraries. Those views are anticipated for summer 2014. SUS library local views should not be affected.

  • Final selection of the mega search index product for deployment into the discovery tool is still pending.

  • Once the preview is underway, FLVC will work with the User Interfaces Standing Committee to resolve any issues that arise. Please note that these changes will not address the need for a full-scale “refresh” of Mango that was requested by the Members Council on Library Services; that activity will occur at a later date.

  • At present, UBorrow (ILL) functionality is only available for universities and is a production service. During the preview period, any UBorrow requests will be sent to production Aleph.  UBorrow will be available to colleges upon completion of the Shared ILL project.  More information about statewide UBorrow will be provided as the project nears completion.

  • An activation date for this statewide view has not yet been determined. Until a firm date is in place and communicated to all libraries, local college and university discovery tools will not be affected.

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